Milvia Street

Art & Literary Journal


by Jay Whittington

A rich and hearty dish, spicy, well-seasoned and strongly flavored.

2 cups of Time
1⁄2 cup of shadows
1 Teaspoon of Joy
1 Teaspoon of love
2 tablespoons of loss
3 tablespoons of attitude 2 cups of Tragedy
2 1⁄2 cups of peace
Pinch of strong will
2 cups of rage
3 cups of revolution

Melt the 2 cups of time in a cast iron skillet. Turn the flames of persecution up high. Slowly add the ½ a cup of shadows. Whisk with the wind of wishes. Turn the flames of persecution down low to the flame of perseverance. Let it simmer while adding the other ingredients of joy, love, loss, attitude, tragedy, and peace. Keep at low heat for about 500 hundred years. Turn up the heat, stir vigorously until it almost reaches a boil then add in 2 cups of Rage and 3 cups of revolution with a tablespoon of strong will. Bring back down to a simmer until you get the dark color of wisdom.
Add ROOTS for flavor

Some thangs run deep, anchoring us to a simple truth of fate and faith. The fate of our freedom and our faith that freedom can and will happen. Our Roots run deep, reaching into the earth of forever, stretching out into our past and future at the same time. Roots, guiding us, holding us and sometimes restraining us. Roots, connecting us to what was, what is and what will be. Our Dreams, tears, hopes, memories absorbed into the roots of
our beginnings and
Ever present, ever growing
Timeless, indomitable, inevitable
Entrenched into a battle of truth. We fight with the strength, and hope of a nation buried deep and reaching
We are roots. Best served hot....

Sun Kissed Child
Tiphereth Banks

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be still
monotype, drypoint, collage
Liz McCall